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IAPA获得国际国内重要奖项与竞赛优胜奖数十项,包括英国世界建筑节WAF (World Architecture Festival)文化建筑提名奖、美国 AMP 建筑大师奖、美国纽约MUSE设计大奖、法国巴黎DNA设计奖、意大利THE PLAN 设计大奖、英国WAN建筑新闻网大奖、美国Architizer A+Awards设计大奖、德国标志性建筑设计奖 Iconic Award Best of Best 最佳设计大奖、意大利 A‘ Design Award 金奖、GDA(German Design Award)德国设计大奖、美国International Architecture Awards国际建筑大奖、首届中国设计大奖、中国园冶杯城市设计大奖、广州市优秀工程设计一等奖、关山月美术馆永久藏品等荣誉。Because of the excellent design, IAPA have won dozens of international and domestic awards and competition, such as World Architecture Festival Nomination for Cultural Architecture, Paris Design Awards Professional Winner, Iconic Award Best of Best, A’Design Award Gold Winner, International Architecture Awards, Asia Habitat Landscape Award and Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Design First Prize.
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