extensive experience
one of the best Australian leading practitioners
澳大利亚IAPA设计顾问有限公司于2003年正式开始在中国广州的运营,基于公司优秀的创意能力,通过近20年的积累,公司在国内完成了数百个优秀的项目,包括图书馆、博物馆、展览馆、影院、大剧院、游客中心、科学中心、文化馆、地下空间等公共项目类型,也包括遗址保护、城市核心区、滨水区、城市公园、景区、住宅区、酒店、医院、创意园区等的综合规划设计、以及不同类型的景观设计及室内设计等。IAPA started operations in Guangzhou, China in 2003. Based on the excellent creative ability and nearly 20 years of accumulation, IAPA has completed hundreds of excellent projects in China, including library, museum, exhibition hall, cinema, theater, tourist center, science center, cultural center and other public projects, also include heritage protection, urban design, city parks, residential, hotel, hospital and other comprehensive planning projects and different types of landscape design, interior design.
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